
If Vitamin N was a thing they'd be fine

Why is it that niggers are so much more likely to die of the Wuhan Flu?

Left-wing media asks "could it be racism"? Of course. No, not of course that's the reason but of course they asked. They have a little cottage industry entirely devoted to asking that question constantly whether it makes sense to or not. Zoe Carpenter at The Nation writes "What We Know About the Covid-19 Race Gap" with the hilariously ironic sub-title "The CDC is finally releasing more data that show just how unequal the toll of the pandemic is. But we can’t stop there". One of the things we don't know about the "race gap" is whether or not it's even unequal. To know that, you have to surmise that the death toll is related to the medical care and not the virus itself. Zoe/Zoë Carpenter doesn't have a clue about that: she pretends to but she's lying.

Covid-19 is retracing patterns of disease and death long documented by public health experts, who have found that black Americans are more likely than whites to suffer from a variety of illnesses and chronic conditions—such as diabetes and hypertension, common comorbidities in Covid-19 hospitalizations—and to die prematurely. While some treat these disparities as a mystery (“Why is it that the African American community is so much, you know, numerous times more [likely to die] than everybody else?… It doesn’t make sense,” President Trump said recently), there’s a robust body of research indicating that systemic racism and its related stress exact a physical toll that compounds over a lifetime.
Robust body of evidence, eh? The dumb little witch can't even point to a robust body of evidence that "systemic racism" even exists outside the fervent delusions of biased social scientists, let alone that it has some sort of physical aspect.

Maybe that sentence already answers itself: the Red Chinese manufactured the virus and they don't like niggers, a problem which has flared up in Wuhan before...

If you think The Nation and their ilk are ridiculous on this topic consider that MedPage Today went one further:
Comorbidities like hypertension and diabetes, which are tied to COVID-19 complications, disproportionately affect the black community. But the alarming rates at which COVID-19 is killing black Americans extends beyond these comorbidities and can be attributed to decades of spatial segregation, inequitable access to testing and treatment, and withholding racial/ethnicity data from reports on virus outcomes.

"There is nothing different biologically about race. It is the conditions of our lives," said Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, PhD, former president of the American Public Health Association. "We have to acknowledge that now and always."

Predominantly black U.S. counties are experiencing a three-fold higher infection rate and a six-fold higher death rate than predominantly white counties.

Many of these communities are located in poor areas with high housing density, limited access to education, and high unemployment rates. Low socioeconomic status is independently a risk factor for poorer health outcomes and is forcing some individuals residing in these communities out of their homes and into the workforce.
"There is nothing different biological about race". That's literally what a medical doctor wrote. Does Jones think that white doctors are just randomly painting nigger babies black so they match the parents (who were previously painted by a white doctor a generation earlier)? No biological differences whatsoever eh? Is that why Summer Olympic land-based events look like a President Monkey family reunion while aquatic events look like a Bernie Sanders volunteer bank? A massive selection effect not motivated at all by different biological factors? It's even more circumspect when you compare the previous paragraph acknowledging that COVID comorbidities are more common among American blacks than American whites. It's said (though not backed up by any data or indeed the quoted ravings of any so-called experts) that comorbidities (or maybe just these two?) have already been factored in. [is it fair to ask if the same people acknowledge it makes sense to factor in likelihood of committing a crime when looking at incarceration rates? -ed]. All comorbidities? How can that be when, as we noted when The Nation was making stuff up for their article, we don't yet have a full understanding of all the comorbidities. Maybe there will be an obvious genetic flag or six when 23andMe finishes stealing your most personal of personal information, maybe it'll take more time than that. Maybe we'll only be able to answer this question in 2025. It might turn out that particular diets (*cough* *cough*friedchicken*cough* *cough*) exasperate the disease, or some environmental factors that aren't yet well understood. It might be that the supposed link between "low socioeconomic status" and Coronavirus is weak and inverse and only because other factors swamp it that we were lead down the wrong track.

Speaking of low socioeconomic status, do you want to know what likely will not make American negroes less poor? Refusing to go to work when other (white) people do and gain more income and experience and gratitude of their bosses. CBC won't tell you that...

One little tidbit that's worth noting is there seems to be a link between Vitamin D and the Wuhan Flu. While it may be simply correlation without causality (author Divya Ramaswamy seems to have simply assumed so without the literature motivating it), there's a "there" there. In other words either because of Vitamin D levels or for the same reasons as Vitamin D levels, there's an impact on your ability to survive the Wuhan Flu. Separate research is also looking into (in general, not for Vitamin D) a link between suspectibility to the virus and the likelihood of transmission: to wit, if you're more likely to die from it you're more likely to get and/or give it. This means that the death rate and the incidence rate aren't as linearly independent as you might expect. So what does this mean to niggers? Well it means that the "Vitamin D paradox" might not be a paradox, and that the claim that doctors are "overdiagnosing" Vitamin D deficiency in negroes may in fact be false, and they actually do have lower levels. It might not align with their bone density (like the swimming joke I made earlier) but still exist, and show itself in the increased likelihood of getting and/or dying from COVID-19.

Seeing as how the only "discrimination" they find for niggers and Vitamin D is a claim that white doctors are "exaggerating" their low levels, maybe idiots from The Nation can shut up trying to blame the Wuhan Flu's tear through black communities as "racism".

Strangely enough, the link between Vitamin D and sodomy is much less documented...