
Democracy Dies In "Darkness"

We learned back in the President Monkey days that negroes appear awfully tribal in their voting practices. After all, you don't hit 100% support in Detroit without a few dudes shutting off the civilized parts of their brains and getting no further than "LOOK LIKES ME=GOOD". I was more than willing to assert these motives to them.

I was mildly surprised to see the Washington Post agree with me though: negroes vote as part of social groupthink without any sort of intelligent independent thought whatsoever.

Okay they didn't quite say it like that. But not that far off, frankly.

As we show in our new book, “Steadfast Democrats: How Social Forces Shape Black Political Behavior,” the generally unified preference among black Americans for Democratic candidates (in 2016, according to exit polls, the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, won 88 percent of the black vote, compared with 8 percent for Republican Donald Trump) reflects not unified political preferences, but a social process by which black Americans hold one another accountable for voting in favor of the party that is understood to best represent the group as whole.
Um...wow. So this book by Ismail K. White and Chryl N. Laird (aren't you missing a vowel in there, Cheryl?) is essentially saying that when niggers vote, they all are expected to share their vote with each other and therefore all express their vote as a block.

That's such anathemia to the entire concept of liberal democracy that WaPo (as noted in the clever pun for the post title) is supposedly so committed to. To have their pages be used to say "well, for civilized white people maybe. niggers would prefer to club anybody over the head for supporting it" is hilarious.

This isn’t to suggest the absence of some fairly wide policy agreements among African Americans, but rather that without this social process, the degree of partisan unity at the polls would not hold.
Oh, that's much better than isn't it? Wait, no. It would be bad enough if negroes were a massive voting block like Wahabbi Muslims who all fervently support all the exact same policy goals. For them to all have different ideals and principles and priorities and interests and then to still mass ignore or abandon them as part of their tribal loyalty is really sickening. I've written before that letting women vote was generally a bad idea but who knew that extending it to other races would be such a disaster? Well, the Washington Post, presumably.

The lesson to take from what we know about why black voting is steadfastly Democratic in general elections, and to apply to the primaries, is that candidates seeking to consolidate bloc-like support from black voters have a twofold job. First, without party identification as a shortcut for political decision-making, the candidates have to prove to black voters that they have unique claim to the likelihood that they will represent the interests of the black community
Without a "LOOK LIKES ME=GOOD" and it's close cousin "HAS 'D' IN THEIR PARTY NAME=GOOD" shorthands, heaven forbid, negro voters will have to forego the mental shortcuts they maintain to replace rational decision making and instead resort to...

...um, too...?
Second, they need to show that they can deliver on the black community’s understood interest in beating the Republican, particularly President Trump, in the general election. These two criteria can consolidate the impression that a particular candidate is clearly best for the group
So replace "HAS 'D' IN THEIR PARTY NAME=GOOD" with "ORANGE MAN=BAD", I suppose. In the meanwhile, remember that part I quoted at the start about 88% voting for Hillary and "only" 8% of blacks voting for Trump? Halfway through their article, White/Laird revisit this point by mentioning that 85% of black voters recently said they would vote for Warren/Sanders head-to-head against The Donald. Still tribal, but less so apparently. Is the legendary "shy Tory" effect at play even when it comes to the primitivized negro vote? Apparently! (WaPo, incidently, dismisses talk of a surge of Trump voters just because he's polling almost double what he got in 2016. Black voters aren't the only tribal ones around here...)

Meanwhile the discussion about the since-vanquished Mini-Mike is even more illuminating:
Bloomberg’s recent rise is perhaps most revealing about the trade-offs black voters face in the Democratic primary. As a mayor who, for years, embraced and perpetuated a stop-and-frisk policy that targeted African Americans and Latinos, Bloomberg is not well liked among black Americans. The January Post-Ipsos poll found Bloomberg had only a 29 percent net favorability rating among African Americans (with the caveat that many of those polled had either never heard of him or had no opinion) — compared with 69 percent for Biden, 63 percent for Sanders and 51 percent for Warren. In the same poll, among registered black voters, nearly 14 percent reported they wouldn’t vote in the general election if Bloomberg were the Democratic nominee — compared with 6 percent for Biden, 8 percent for Sanders and 10 percent for Warren. Lastly, when asked who would be the best candidate at addressing issues that are important to the black community, only 3 percent of black Democrats identified Bloomberg as the best, compared with 32 percent who selected Biden and 19 percent who chose Sanders.
Ignoring the fact that the biggest beneficiaries of stock-and-frisk are the poor negro communities that have most violent and thuggish of their citizenry suffering instead of them (the Professional Niggers® don't understand this: as this article makes it clear, rational thought continues to elude them), apparently their opinion of how a Bloomberg Presidency would improve their lives has little to do with what his policy goals actually are and instead is completely dependent on whether or not he would win. Better the guy who would (apparently) cause them harm than somebody they are trained like apes to dislike that would implement policy goals they approve of.

That this speaks ill of negro voters apparently occurs to White/Laird, who finish their article off by trying to mischaracterize negro voters as being better than they really are.
Many of Bloomberg’s priorities remain at odds with more policy-grounded group interests of black Americans.
Leftists always lie. niggers don't have policy-grounded group interests. They remain petty, tribal, and uncivilized.