
Nicki Minj's only talent is rectal obesity

Nicki Minaj says that the cultural contributions of black women are often overlooked.

In a series of tweets, Ms. Minaj hinted that “Anaconda” would have been nominated if she had been a different type of woman or “kind” of artist. She also said that black women were rarely given appropriate credit for their cultural contributions.
Hey, Nicki, your sole "contribution" to music is that you have a fat ass. That's it.

I stand by my earlier statement. "Anaconda" is the laziest song and video ever. At least when Puff Daddy ripped off Led Zeppelin he tried in the smallest degree to add his own content. It was a least a different song. "Anaconda" is the music equivalent of saying "ditto". Nicki Minaj has no talent. Almost all mainstream black female musicians of the past quarter century have no talent. They haven't made any "cultural contributions". Missy Elliot is a fat girl who loves to suck cock. Nicki Minaj has a giant unattractive ass that only a black man could love. Alicia Keys, despite what her name would imply, doesn't play any instruments (which makes her "Unplugged" album all the more silly). She and Beyonce can sing, and act well enough to pass for the second half of Saturday Night Live. Yay?

Is it too much to ask that "cultural contributions" first come in the form of some sort of musical talent? Cindy Blackman at least can play the drums. All Nicki Minaj can do is play her anus and the giant mounds of fleshy tissue that surround it. Minaj points to all the parodies and memes created by her "Anaconda" video and cover art, but that puts her on the level with the "Leave Britney Alone" queer, not on par with actual cultural contributions from musicians. People still dress to be like Kurt Cobain. Nobody dresses like Nicki Minaj unless they're a stripper about to take their clothes off in public to a Nicki Minaj song.

Not to imply that Miley Cyrus or Taylor Swift are making "cultural contributions" either of course. But then they don't try claiming racism when nobody thinks their shitty albums are the next coming of Jesus.

Hey, do you remember Mary J. Blige? She's sold 50 million albums, received a "Legends Award" at the World Music Awards, and has had eight platinum albums. She is, without a doubt, a dozen times more talented than Nicki Minaj. But what's been her "cultural contributions"? Billboard credits her with the "hip hop and R&B" meshing genre, which is a pretty ugly contribution to make to culture.

In retrospect, Nicki, maybe you should be happy we're just celebrating the number of black guys who want to ass-fuck you rather than trying to shoehorn you into a "cultural contribution". You have your niche, go enjoy it.