
Dumb sluts on the highway

So the organizers of Edmonton's "Slut Walk" are upset that they have to pay for their parade.

As the title suggests, these are pretty dumb sluts, even for sluts. What, there's a cost to turning the Queen's motorways into a parking lot to express a rather silly and ultimately inaccurate sentiment? Quelle surprise!

Actually, and I'll go into this more on my actual SlutWalk post in early June, there's a bit of a corollary available here: as I tweeted yesterday if they don't want to pay the city they can have their little meeting at the Legislature grounds and then walk to City Hall: crossing on marked crosswalks when the light indicates its safe to do so. If the city is really worried about them stepping onto the road that's easy enough to fix: declare a full clemency to any driver who hits and/or kills one of these sluts if she happens to step off the sidewalk and onto the street. It's the slut's fault for defying the rules and social conventions, not yours. So in other words, pretty much the same harsh reality that the sluts are marching to try and defy in the whole "dress like a streetwalker" meme.

That's delicious irony, and is worth far more to the ratepayers of Edmonton than $2,000.