
The Twitter Report: March 2009

For a while I think I'll try summarizing a few of my favourite moments from Twitter.

So far I have made 72 posts, which is pretty prolific. As I will note below, that's likely to change (ie. remember the last time I had 50+ blogposts in a month?) So here are a few of my favourite "tweets":

Apparently I have had a Twitter account for the last 6 months and nobody has told me.
5:05 PM Mar 24th from web
Sonic 102.9 had exactly 780 followers for a radio station in the 780 area code. Well, until I started following them. Sorry guys.
6:42 PM Mar 24th from web
The #Offspring are coming to Edmonton:Hall D at Northlands. That's where I saw them a decade ago. Wonder if my date will flash 'em again...
10:52 PM Mar 24th from web
I have a feeling Twitter is a lot like those cute Brazillian twins: I'll have lots of fun my first night, then ignore it for months on end.
12:04 AM Mar 25th from web
First line=lime on my cellphone, and now I do the classic misspelling of "night". M$ should make a grammar-check for Tweets
9:24 PM Mar 25th from web
Sonic1029: "Check out LiannCameron with some Sea Lions, a snake, a penguin and a giant sea turtle!" Hell, I dream of it nightly!
10:52 PM Mar 25th from web
Do premierstelmach and pmharper have to get new Twitter accounts when they resign or are voted out? jacklayton_defeatedincumbant sounds gr8
4:45 PM Mar 26th from web
The Alberta Green Party on Twitter has 2 followers. That sounds about right.
10:14 PM Mar 26th from web
I wonder if Twitter users in Hardisty put #CHD2 tags at the end of all their posts http://tinyurl.com/cy43qw
5:02 PM Mar 27th from web
Every cellphone ever: 3bars,3bars,3bars,3bars,3bars,3bars,3bars,3bars,3bars, 3bars,3bars,3bars,3bars,3bars,3bars,3bars,2bars,2bars,1bar,dead
3:02 PM Mar 28th from web
How did #yeg "Take Back the Night" go last night? i celebrated it as I always do: by pinching girls' breasts while they danced @ FunkyBuddha
4:48 PM Mar 28th from web
Memo to @MinJK from B.Obama: just Wagoner mr. mouammar like I did. liberals will totally back you up. Gov't paying = total control they say
9:56 AM Mar 30th from txt
Olivia Chow sez "free speech is a cornerstone of democracy" so I expect her to start helping Rev.Boissoin win back his right to free speech
10:05 AM Mar 30th from txt
I bet you could get a good indication of healthy fast food places by the number of hot skinny girls vs fat ones in lineup
12:05 PM Mar 30th from txt
CBC radio just called a 21 month old baby "it". Half expected them to say fetus.
12:23 PM Mar 30th from txt
Sorry, can't resist: read this story http://tinyurl.com/c896qy and admit that it looks like #Obama will be Grease-Monkey-In-Chief #GM
5:21 PM Mar 30th from web
Did you know that Taco Bell hotsauce goes bad? My 2001-era backup collection just made my fries supreme inedible.#tacobell
9:43 PM Mar 30th from web
I wonder how much better of a deal Chrysler would have got had #Obama not told Fiat the US firm was basically forced to sign w/e was offered
from txt
500, 1606, no difference. I would personally slaughter that many ducks with my bare hands to get a single barrel of oil #ableg #oilsands
from web
I don't so much mind being the smartest person in a room anymore. I do wish it wasn't such a huge dropoff to second place.
from txt
Across the Pacific, so far the #Conficker virus doesn't seem to be damaging any tubes. Big trucks still at risk. http://tinyurl.com/cyf57p
from web

I have a sort of unofficial policy I'm aiming for: I want to have at least twice as many people I am following compared to the number of people following me. Currently with 53 following and 27 followers I am doing awfully well.

It's hard to decide who to add at this point: already prolific tweeters are "hiding" updates even if I check every hour. I would love to be keeping an eye on 400-600 people, but its a careful game. (For example, I don't add The_Real_Shaq because he tweets about 53 times an hour all day every day. Instead I am follow The_Real Britney Spears who tweets every day or two. More on this as it develops.