
Merry Christ's Mass, everyone!

Woman Honor Thyself has a Holidays and Calories Open Trackback Weekend that I am signing onto. This will be my last blog post until probably December 28th or 29th.

(Can you believe not only does YouTube have no video of the famous "David Letterman drinking eggnog" skits, but Google Image search has no stills of it either?)

Onto plan B...
Jeff Foxworthy's "12 Redneck Days of Christmas"

Trailer Park Boys Christmas special

Also good to watch this holiday season is the Yes Minister Christmas special "Party Games", the Corner Gas "Merry Gasmas" episode ("this is Edmonton. We don't talk like that here"), and finally:

Also worth a download on MP3 is the "12 Beers of Christmas" from their music album. On the same vein, may I recommend Nestor Pistor's "Ukrainian Eleven Days of Christmas", and FAN960s 12 Days of Christmas (sadly no longer on the site).

Update, 4:37pm: Section 15 brings up the Seinfeld Episode "The Strike", another great holiday themed episode. I guess. "The Race" is slightly better, despite its referrence to a "Hollywood blacklist" which really never occured.