

The CBC celebrates the mutilation of dead animals. I didn't have that in my 2023 scorecard.

The quote of the day, however, comes in the MSN comments (remember: the CBC refuses to allow comments about Red Indians on their platform as that nasty truth keeps coming out) from "Ramsey Orta", in response to the claim from "Clarence Tugeye" that:

Disconnection from traditional activities and practices are what led them to incarceration. There is a distinct correlation between decolonization and better outcomes.
No. there is no causal relationship at all. You made the false claim that there is a "distinct correlation". Please provide one methodologically sound study that supports your point.

And no, the research on criminal recidivism does not in any support your claim. In fact, over 70 years of research says the opposite. We have studied programs that have pursued cultural goals at the expense of known risk factors and have found them to be criminogenic; they make the problem worse.

Culture can certainly be a responsivity factor, but it is not a risk factor. The risk factors remain:
(a) criminal/antisocial history,
(b) criminal/antisocial values/impulse control;
(c) antisocial/criminal personality disorder(s);
(d) antisocial peers/associates;
(e) family;
(f) substance abuse;
(g) education/employment; and
(h) leisure and recreation.

One final point worth making to the cheerleaders for this type of programing, there are nearly 500 different tribes in Canada, each with their own cultures. Which of these diverse cultures takes precedence in this "sensitive" programing?
