
Nenshi still needs to be cured, he just made it illegal

Crisis Magazine has noticed Calgary's ridiculous ban on fixing faggots.

It seems odd that a homosexual who wants to rid himself of unwanted same-sex attractions would be denied this in the interest of protecting his freedom. Treatment is routinely offered for people suffering from addiction to drugs, alcohol, and even food. Why not offer similar treatments for people (whether homosexual or heterosexual) who are addicted to sex? The bill may be unconstitutional and tested in the courts.

Apart from civil law implications, the Calgary bill represents a dismissal of Genesis. A person is now subject to heavy financial penalties for citing that “God made them male and female” and that marriage is the union of a man and a woman. How did the Calgary councilors surpass the Bible in moral wisdom? People can shift from one sex to another, but not from one sexual orientation to another. There is more than a hint of discrimination here. This new wisdom might not enjoy a long life.
That's the nuts and bolts of the bill, but author Donald DeMarco takes on the greater societal shifts that it portends:
In addition to the draconian quality of the bill, what stands out in my mind is its overwhelming approval. An 80 percent agreement on a bill of such dubious implications certainly arouses suspicion. Only a few years ago no Calgary councilor would have approved such a bill. How do times change so dramatically and so quickly? We see similar radical shifts in thought concerning abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, as well as homosexual activities. Philosophy should not be as unstable as changes in barometric pressure or the fluctuations of the stock market. It should be an anchor that gives society a certain stability.

Philosophy is concerned with pursuing the truth. Stating such a quest these days appears to be presumptuous. Yet nothing serves us better than truth. And if truth is difficult to attain, it should not be abandoned for that reason. In sports, one either wins or loses. But no one can win if he does not play the game. In the game of life, Truth is our North Star.

Philosophy requires a positive activity of the mind. Being a passive subject to the Zeitgeist requires no effort. Hence, we come to the difference between philosophy and propaganda. Economist Thomas Sowell makes an important point when he states, “If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.” His caveat should be taken seriously.
For those keeping score, I not only noticed the changes but that those in power denied any changes were even taking place. That post of mine was from just over 12 years ago. What sort of a nightmare are we going to be looking forward to 12 years from now?