
Totally Unforseen Shocking Unpredictable Surprise Revelation: trannies under lockdown edition

Mentally ill people are suffering from the lockdown.

Okay, you probably already knew this. But as always when mentally ill people are described by their sick and illegitimate lifestyle choice, it confuses the hell out of Buzzfeed sodomite Patrick Strudwick.

The article is a laugh-a-minute yuckfest. If this doesn't make you guffaw with joy, the Wuhan Flu may have already killed you:

Some try other means to escape hatred within the home: by going back in the closet, playing down their gender identity or sexuality, or, more literally, locking themselves in their bedrooms 24/7.
Apparently these sick homos are so incapable of going through the week without having their broken animal urges satiated that they've invented the term "survival sex" to describe how they prostitute themselves to a fellow uranist just to "get away from" the family they were apparently forced to move back in with since their jobs at David's Tea just don't pay the bills. Later in the article you can read about "additional factors" such as "problematic use of substances": namely the chemical escape that mentally ill ass pirates have to turn to as a means of escapism when they deep down inside realize their sick lifestyle choice is a rejection of all that is moral and right in the universe. Unfortunately there are "interrupted in the drug supply" and then there's a picture of a shiv and then I just can't stop giggling.

Are you sitting down? You should sit down.

Okay now that you're safely seated, please let me introduce you to peak lunacy regarding these nutters: a 54 year old woman who wants to pretend she's part man. She dies her hair bizarre shades of pink and works for a housing charity that "welcomes the gender diverse". Well unfortunately she's had to move back home with her elderly father (which, for those keeping track, is the sort of microeconomics impacts that will ultimately doom more people with COVID than it could possibly save) after she had a run-in with another damaged soul in the housing coop that of course they both live in.
“I was having to work from home in a very tiny room,” they said. One of the straight women who lived there, whom we will call Jill, “lost her job and her way of dealing with that was to take lots of drugs, get pissed and have lots of parties,” said Wyatt. They tried to talk to her, but it had little effect. After yet another loud party, Wyatt told the committee at the co-op that something needed to be done.

“She found out about this and then I heard her screaming abuse, saying things like, ‘tell that slut to get some fucking earplugs.’” It escalated. “She followed me into the kitchen and started shouting and then started breaking the furniture, then ran upstairs and told me I needed to kill myself. And because she knows I have bipolar [disorder] and have a history of self-harm and suicide, that felt very threatening.”
Bipolar with a history of self-harm? From somebody who's so loopy she thinks her lack of a penis was some sort of cosmic oversight? Heaven forbid. So this poor woman who doesn't realize she's a woman had to move back to her daddy's house in her hometown where the kids made fun of her because she clearly looked dyke even then. So trapped she felt (in a charming little beach town a movie-watching length train ride from London Victoria station) that she couldn't even let pillow biter Patrick Strudwick capitalize the name of his religion (Methodist).
The effect of being removed from their home and the city that welcomed Wyatt is more encompassing than traumatic memories. “I don't fit in. I feel completely out of place. I feel I’ve been dropped into being aged 13 again. I have to get out of here.”
Well in the same way that if you decide you're "genderfluid" you must be so, why can't the poor girl just pretend that she's 13 again as well?

Okay that's only a moderately funny joke. But you've now seen this girl's (fake) last name in the article a few times. Sadly we'll never know her real name, the tranny lobby is working hard to keep such inconvenient truths out of our hands. However based on her "last name" (Wyatt), her tranny pronouns and activism, her living in a London coop and working at a homeless shelter, can you take a guess as to how she's identifying herself?

SJ Wyatt. That's right, her name is S.J.W.

With so much difficulty in the world right now, it's great that Buzzfeed can give us somebody with a name a lifestyle and a cause worth laughing hysterically over.