
Vulcans are perverts


Navigating the chubby chicks of Alberta

A handy little chart showing where the Alberta fatties are located (the regular Highway 2 is in blue, the 2A side jaunts are in red). You're welcome, black guys.


From #occupycalgary to #occupyanametag

Occupy Calgary has disbanded following a successful court injunction last week, but they did leave a freestanding piece of public art (in the most generous of senses) behind. The City of Calgary will temporarily put the piece into storage and contact the artist. If it is displayed somewhere, it will need to be treated so that the bare metal isn't exposed to the elements common in Calgary like heavy rain, heavy snow, insane chinook temperature variations, and prairie hurricanes.

But with the death of Occupy Calgary, I couldn't let this comment from the bottom of the story (by omgwtf):

Isn't it ironic that they left a statue that will not survive in the elements. Don't cha think? It's like rain on your ungalvinized metal structure. Ungalvinized movement leaving ungalvinized art behind. Good one.


New (almost) record breaking black holes discovered

Scientists have discovered, at the centre of galaxies NGC 4889 and NGC 3842, supermassive black holes. 21 billion suns of mass in the former, about 10 billion in the latter.

These results are more than just cool and record-setting. Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope over the years have shown that such monster black holes seem to inhabit the centers of all galaxies — the bigger the galaxy, the bigger the black hole. Researchers said the new work could shed light on the role these black holes play in the formation and evolution of galaxies.
And what are the implications?
Astronomers also think the supermassive black holes in galaxies could be the missing link between the early universe and today. In the early days of the universe, quasars, thought to be powered by giant black holes in cataclysmic feeding frenzies, were fountaining energy into space.

Where are those quasars now? The new work supports a growing suspicion that those formerly boisterous black holes are among us now, but, having stopped their boisterous growth, are sleeping.

Mr. McConnell said, “Our discovery of extremely massive black holes in the largest present-day galaxies suggests that these galaxies could be the ancient remains of voracious ancestors.”

These supermassive black holes are impressive, but there's an even bigger black hole out there, right in our own galaxy, where nothing can escape and anything that gets too close dies and shrivels.